In the fiercely competitive legal landscape, every lead counts. Yet despite investing heavily in cost per lead and understanding the potential value per lead, many firms find themselves losing leads to another law firm. Whether it’s a referral source that slips through their fingers or an online search that leads to their competitors, the stakes are high. 

Marketing Funnel

To combat this, many lawyers are turning to long-term strategies like SEO and content marketing. By leveraging the marketing content funnel and optimizing content for search engines, law firms can effectively attract, nurture, and convert leads. This article explores how different stages of a marketing funnel, combined with SEO marketing, can help law firms stand out, attract new leads, and generate more business. 

Talking to your audience

The content marketing funnel is a model that visualizes the client journey from the moment they become aware of a problem until they decide to engage a law firm’s services. When used correctly, it can illustrate why lawyers lose leads to other law firms. 

The funnel consists of three primary stages: Awareness, Evaluation, and Conversion, with Advocacy often considered an additional stage. Each phase requires targeted content strategies to guide prospects through the funnel, ultimately converting them into clients. 

Awareness Stage

In the awareness phase, potential clients are not yet aware of your law firm but may recognize they have a legal issue that needs addressing. The goal here is to create top-of-mind awareness that your firm exists and can help.

You can do this through a variety of engaging educational content that ranks well on Google and is shared on social media.

Content Types:

  • Blog Posts: Informative articles about common legal issues and how they can be addressed.
  • Social Media Posts: Engaging updates and helpful tips that direct traffic to your website.
  • Infographics: Visual representations of legal processes and statistics.
  • Videos: Short, informative videos explaining legal concepts and processes.
  • Billboards, Radio & TV Ads: Traditional media to reach a broader audience.

Creating high-quality, SEO-optimized content is important in this phase. By researching relevant keywords and topics that potential clients are searching for, your firm can create content that ranks high on search engine results pages (SERPs). This increases visibility and drives organic traffic to your site.

Evaluation Stage

During the evaluation phase, potential clients have identified their need for legal help and are considering whether your firm is the right fit. This is the middle of the funnel, where establishing expertise and building trust becomes the focus.

In this phase, content should remain educational but also subtly persuasive, showcasing your firm’s expertise and track record. Highlighting client success stories and reviews can significantly enhance credibility and trust.

Content Types:

  • Case Results: Detailed accounts of past cases and their outcomes.
  • Testimonials: Client reviews and feedback.
  • Reviews: Highlight positive reviews from third-party sites.
  • Explainer Videos: Videos that walk potential clients through the legal process and what they can expect from your firm.

Conversion Stage

The conversion phase is where potential clients are ready to take action — contacting your firm for a consultation or signing you as their legal representative. This is the bottom of the funnel, and the focus is on making it as easy as possible for clients to reach out and retain your services.

To convert potential clients into actual clients, you need a high-quality content website that provides clear ways to contact you. Additionally, implementing lead nurturing processes, such as follow-up calls or emails, can help convert consultations into signed cases.

Content Types:

  • Click-to-Call Buttons: Easy-to-use buttons to call your firm directly.
  • Live Chat: Instant messaging options for immediate inquiries.
  • Contact Forms: Simple forms for prospective clients to fill out their details.
  • Call to Action Buttons: Clear CTAs to help users schedule a consultation or contact your firm.

Advocacy Stage

Once a client has engaged your services, maintaining a positive relationship is key to turning them into advocates for your firm. Satisfied clients are more likely to refer your firm to others, providing a steady stream of new leads through word-of-mouth referrals. Therefore, you want to continue providing excellent service and keep in touch with former clients.

New Customers

Content Types:

  • Follow-Up Communication: Regular check-ins, emails and updates for current clients.
  • Client Newsletters: Informative newsletters that keep former clients engaged.
  • Referral Programs: Incentives for clients who refer new business to your firm.

Using SEO marketing, including retargeting ads, can keep your firm top-of-mind for previous website visitors and prospects who may not have converted initially. By staying visible and relevant, you increase the likelihood of being contacted when legal needs arise.

Interacting with potential clients

Need to boost your online presence and generate more leads? Missing out on those important client interactions? Maybe your online content needs a tweak.

Creating content for law firm websites isn’t just about populating pages with information. It takes skill and expertise to write good copy. That’s why Caroff Communications is so sought after by attorneys: we’ve been creating compelling content that drives traffic for law firms since 1995. We make sure your firm stands out in a crowded market and attracts clients looking for a winning strategy.

Contact us today and learn more about our law firm website content writing services.

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