Forget SEO recovery. It’s time to rebuild instead

In today’s digital world, site traffic is heavily influenced by algorithm changes and AI generated content. Yet, many websites struggle to keep pace because of outdated strategies like old content, keyword stuffing, and bad links. While SEO recovery services can help, they are often inadequate for long-term success. For businesses experiencing a downturn or even … Read More

Nothing about SEO has changed. Nothing!

There’s no question — it seems as if SEO has changed over the years, with constant updates and algorithm changes shaping how websites are ranked. Now, a recent leak of Google’s Content Warehouse API documentation reveals new insights that starkly contrast what people from Google have said about their content, links, and user interactions. In … Read More

Why Lawyers Lose Leads to Other Law Firms

In the fiercely competitive legal landscape, every lead counts. Yet despite investing heavily in cost per lead and understanding the potential value per lead, many firms find themselves losing leads to another law firm. Whether it’s a referral source that slips through their fingers or an online search that leads to their competitors, the stakes … Read More

Why Your Site SEO Isn’t Working

SEO is not a magic bullet, but that doesn’t mean it’s worthless either. Businesses sometimes turn to SEO as a last-ditch effort or as a sole resource for meeting all engagement and conversion goals, especially when their site isn’t ranking.  Such unrealistic expectations can doom SEO strategies from the start. Instead, SEO should be viewed … Read More

The Impact of Pausing Google Ads; Part 2

In Part 1 of our “Pausing Google Ads” series, we examined what happened after a business owner’s decision to test for a month pausing Google Ads, which led to devastating results. It turns out, Google Ads was the hero behind the scenes, driving the best site activity. Without it, visitors were less engaged – 2 … Read More

How Often You Need to Redesign Your Website

Redesigning a website can be a time-consuming process filled with endless meetings, discussions on improvements, and proposals on how to enhance the overall user experience. However, the lifespan of a website design is fairly short, with industry standards suggesting approximately 2 to 3 years, though some may push their sites to last longer.  Furthermore, how … Read More

Optimizing for the Unknown

In the dynamic world of digital marketing, understanding and optimizing website traffic is crucial for driving conversions and achieving online success. Traffic can come from a variety of sources: organic searches, paid advertising, social media, referral sites, email campaigns, and direct visits. Each of these channels contribute to a website’s overall visibility, but conversions from … Read More

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