This is a subject which generates a lot of questions: Does PPC for lawyers really work? Isn’t it too expensive? Is anybody actually clicking on the ads? So to answer just those questions:

Law Firms Digital Marketing Facts

  • Yes, Google Ads for lawyers can be incredibly effective.
  • No, it doesn’t need to be too expensive as long as the results justify the cost.
  • Yes, hundreds of millions of people click on the ads.

So, what are the benefits of PPC for your practice? Actually, there are many. Read on to discover the reasons why PPC can be so effective for law firms.


Keyword selection to identify intent

Icon of finger clicking mouse

With PPC, you have control over the terms for which your ads show up. Thus, you can choose terms that are viable (likely to lead to new client acquisition).


And you are not limited in number. Using the sophisticated tools provided by the Google Ads system, you can include an almost unlimited amount of search terms to target. Based on actual results, you can hone in on the search terms that work well, and downplay the ones that are not as effective.

One of the most important factors that a good law firm pay-per-click agency selects for is “intent.” That involves identifying what a viewer actually means when they enter terms into a search engine, and using that to connect potential clients with your firm’s website.

I've been working with Michael Caroff for about 7 years now, and I'm constantly amazed at the dedication and creativity with which he runs his …

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Geographic targeting

Location icon, with a map pin on a sheet of paper

Every law practice has a specific range of locations which they can properly serve. But more than that, your firm may have priorities about which areas to emphasize, because they are the most profitable.


First, you may want to look for clients that are in your own city. Second, broaden the search to surrounding cities. Next look for any potential clients in the County. And finally, maybe even widen the area to the entire state — or a certain portion thereof.

Google offers the ability to reach different segments in varying percentages. With this, you can most effectively reach potential clients in the areas your firm serves.


Effective landing pages

Icon of rocketship

Good PPC agencies create landing pages that “convert” users (get them to take an action, generally contacting your firm). A company experienced in PPC for lawyers tailors those landing pages to potential clients in your genre of law.


But it doesn’t stop there. Continual optimization over time will allow a PPC team to edit those pages based on past results, so they work more and more effectively. The idea is to ease the user’s path from the initial point where they click on your ad, to the final action they take in connecting with you.


Test, test, test

Computer screen with Google Analytics charts

What works for one attorney or law firm will not necessarily work for another — even in the identical practice area. There are so many variables at play that nothing can be taken for granted.


Good PPC management involves treating each campaign as unique, and using the real-time data received to continually improve how effectively the campaign works. Over time, your PPC agency should be able to raise your ROI on a consistent basis.

This is a small sampling of some of the key capabilities of Google ads. For a much more comprehensive list check out our article on “How Google Ads gives you super-targeting capabilities.

The importance of collaboration

Finally, remember that no marketing method, PPC included, exists in a vacuum. Your PPC campaign will both affect and be affected by the work being done in your other marketing channels: “organic” SEO, email marketing, networking, referrals, and more.

A competent law firm PPC company will understand that. Using all the tracking methods available, they will ensure that your PPC program is both as powerful as it can be on its own, and ties in well with any other marketing efforts you pursue.

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