Utilized individually, well-designed websites, expertly managed PPC campaigns, and consistent skillful SEO programs, can each have a positive effect on an attorney’s marketing ROI. But put them together and the results can be astounding.
There are a number of ways these three marketing strategies work together. Here are some of the most noticeable.
Present consistent messaging

By controlling all three channels, an experienced digital marketing firm can ensure that everywhere users run across a law firm’s presence on the web, a similar message is delivered.
This means that the branding, area of expertise, geographic targeting, firm philosophy, and more, are constantly reinforced.
Maximize multiple “touches”

Traditional marketing knowledge holds that it takes 7 to 10 impressions to make a sale. That is still true in the age of digital marketing.
There are ever increasing ways that an attorney’s practice can interact with clients and potential clients. Search engines (both organic and paid listings), their website, social media channels, email, and other venues provide a multitude of points at which a law firm can “touch” a potential client.
By being able to track and adjust the most powerful channels (SEO, PPC, and the website), an expert digital marketing company can make best use of the ongoing user experiences.
Utilize the full marketing cycle

Although there is no one path that users take during their journey toward becoming clients, there is an overall general marketing flow that marketers can exploit.
To greatly oversimplify it, pay-per-click (PPC) marketing provides the fast-response, eminently controllable method for testing, tracking, and tweaking search phrases, ad copy, targeting criteria, and other features.
Search engine optimization (SEO) offers the opportunity to build long-term growth in search traffic. It also serves to highlight search phrases and trends that may not have been considered before they showed up in the analytics.
Analyzing visitor behavior on the website gives lawyers and their marketing partners an understanding of the interests of potential clients on a real-time basis. This leads back to PPC, via which information gathered during the entire cycle can be fed back into the loop and tested.
Control more real estate

A law firm can appear in multiple locations on every search results page. The more of those areas the firm “owns,” the greater the odds the viewer will connect.
And it’s not a straight line equation. Roughly speaking, appear once on the results page (say an organic search listing), and there is a 5% to 10% chance the user will click on the law firm’s link.
However, show up twice on that same page (for instance, a PPC ad and an organic search listing), and the chance of a click triples. That percentage grows exponentially with each additional portion of the page on which the law firm appears.
The case for collaborative marketing
There are many other reasons why combining the multiple strategies of PPC, SEO, and websites, can work for attorneys. The fact is that in the hands of an able digital marketing agency, there is no more effective method of marketing than the three used together.